JULY 1, 2025 - SEPTEMBER 30, 2025
SUMMARY: Responsible for planning, managing and evaluating the district-wide human resource function and all related activities. Member of the Superintendent’s Cabinet. This position includes the
duties and responsibilities below and other functions as assigned by the Superintendent of Schools.
QUALIFICATIONS: A Master’s Degree (preferably in job related field), appropriate NYS Administrative
Certificate in Educational Administration; minimum of five years teaching experience
Salary: Per Diem Based On Experience
¨ Supervises and provides leadership, direction, guidance and support to the Personnel Office staff
¨ Assumes leadership for development and revision of personnel policies and regulations
¨ Develops and maintains appropriate procedures for recruitment, selection, assignment, evaluation and termination of personnel. Assists Superintendent in the final decision regarding employment.
¨ Prepares recommendations for the Superintendent’s submission to the Board of Education
¨ Plans, develops and administers staff record-keeping programs and procedures concerning
certification, seniority, longevity, tenure, benefits and attendance
¨ Develops job descriptions for new positions and assists in the review and revision of existing positions and their respective job descriptions
¨ Assists the Board’s negotiator and works towards the development of acceptable and functional negotiated agreements. Administers and interprets the provisions of negotiated agreements within the
district. Supervises the processing of all contractual grievances
¨ Remains current of governmental statutes, rules and regulations pertaining to personnel
administration and ensures compliance
¨ Cooperates with Central Office administrators and building administrators in assessing and providing for professional staff development as applicable
¨ Recruits, approves and maintains lists of per diem substitutes, as needs dictate, for instructional and non-instructional staff
¨ Prepares and distributes district staff vacancy notices and advertisements for the purpose of soliciting applications
¨ Recommends to the Superintendent of Schools employee step placement on salary schedules; advises school district business office of approved salary adjustments; verifies all claims for change in step or column on salary schedules, previous employment certification, graduate and in-service credit and longevity
¨ Secures and maintains personnel files of all employees
¨ Administers Departmental budget within the area of responsibility and recommends transfers
between budget categories. Authorizes expenditure requests from the approved budget